Entries in learning a language (2)


Milestones in Language Learning

There are certain milestones in learning a language, those moments when you feel “wow, I can communicate!” They’re particularly sweet, buried amongst all the other failures and inabilities to express yourself.

People say you have truly learned when you dream in the language. But before that we have:

  • When you successfully argue with the telephone/utility companies
  • When you can give directions to someone who asks you on the street
  • Making small talk with strangers
  • When you can help someone who asks for help

Normally, I have trouble understanding random questions from strangers  - I need context to understand, so something out of the blue can be difficult. Today, a sweet little old lady asked me in the grocery store to help her read the expiration date on a loaf of bread. She had forgotten her reading glasses. I read the date, which was yesterday’s date (odd in a German store!), and we both said that was too old. Then I looked for another loaf that was good for another week. It usually feels good to be able to help someone. It felt GREAT to finally be able to do it in German.


Why I Must Watch More TV

I find myself in a very strange situation these days. For the first time in life, I am trying to force myself to watch more television.  My goal is to get in several hours a day. It's surprisingly hard.

I’ve watched relatively little TV here, partly because my German has been too poor to understand the local TV and partly because much German TV is just American series dubbed in German. Once you've become used to an actor’s voice, it’s very distracting to watch them with a strange German voice attached!

But now I must watch more TV and movies, to improve my German.  Luckily, my cable box has an integrated DVR, so I accomplished Step One weeks ago…programming some German shows to watch. The Step Two of actually watching them has been more difficult.

So, I’m beginning with what was a 2 week nightly German event – "Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier aus!", Germany’s version of the British show "I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!"…and then moving on to some other classics such as "Bauer Sucht Frau" (the dating show “Farmer seeks Woman”), and Doctor’s Diary, a prime time soap with the slogan “Men are the Best Medicine.”

And of course, there are a couple of disaster movies, with this week's premiere of the long-awaited miniseries Hindenburg.

Look forward to some posts from the couch…